Most Architects complete their training with amazing design skills which are appreciated internationally but often without the necessary business experience to ensure that their visions are realised. The RIBA intend to help Architects find information on what skills are necessary and where to look for additional help – either through books, online videos or courses and links to universities or other further education.
Lisa was invited by Chris Williamson, the RIBA’s ambassador for Business Skills to film a video on How to build an architectural practice. In this video, Lisa talks to Paul Iddon, director of Agency Spring Manchester. Lisa has been working with Agency Spring for a few years, firstly on Manchester Curious and then with Paul on the rebrand of Raynes Architecture to Pride Road. Paul is a fully trained award winning architect, who set up a design and branding agency over 15 years ago.
There are more videos available to watch, from people other than Paul and Lisa, on the website.